Further support for the impact of altruistic costs in human mate choice
From an evolutionary perspective, the significance of altruistic acts in romantic relationships has been extensively studied, as such qualities are desirable in mate choice. Although prior research has been conducted to determine if altruism influences romantic desirability, little research as focused on the role of altruistic costs in human mate choice, particularly using hypothetical online dating profiles and messages. Our study adopted a three-way mixed-design ANOVA to examine if romantic desirability is influenced by a target being highly altruistic, moderately altruistic or non-altruistic, comparing relationship type in the context of online dating. One hundred eighty participants were asked to read online dating profiles and messaging scenarios, rating how desirable the individual was for a short-term and long-term relationship. The findings of this study partially supported previous research as males and females rated moderately altruistic targets as more desirable than highly altruistic targets. Our findings add to the literature on the role of altruism in mate choice.Citation
Dehal, S. and Bhogal, M.S. (2024) Further support for the impact of altruistic costs in human mate choice. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 10, pp. 331–336Publisher
Evolutionary Psychological ScienceAdditional Links
Journal articleLanguage
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