Asymmetric copolymers: synthesis, properties, and applications of gradient and other partially segregated copolymers
Asymmetric copolymers are a class of materials with intriguing properties. They can be defined by a distribution of monomers within the polymer chain that is neither strictly segregated, as in the case of block copolymers, nor evenly distributed throughout each chain, as in the case of statistical copolymers. This definition includes gradient copolymers as well as block copolymers that contain segments of statistical copolymer. In this review, different methods to synthesize asymmetric copolymers are first discussed. The properties of asymmetric copolymers are investigated in comparison to those of block and random counterparts of similar composition. Finally, some examples of applications of asymmetric copolymers, both academic and industrial, are demonstrated. The aim of this review is to provide a perspective on the design and synthesis of asymmetric copolymers with useful applications.Citation
Zhang, J., Farias-Mancilla, B., Destarac, M. et al. (2018) Asymmetric copolymers: synthesis, properties, and applications of gradient and other partially segregated copolymers. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 39(1), 1800357.Publisher
Macromolecular Rapid CommunicationsPubMed ID
30221423 (pubmed)Additional Links
Journal articleLanguage
This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Wiley in Macromolecular Rapid Communications, available online: The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.ISSN
This research was financially supported by the ASYMCOPO Project, an international collaborative research project of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Germany) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, France); DFG project: GU 1685/1-1 (J. Z., C. G. S. and U. S. S.) and ANR project ANR-15-CE08-0039 (S. H.). C. G. S. and U. S. S. thank the Center for Excellence “PolyTarget” (SFB 1278, project Z01) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Germany) for financial support. B. F. M. acknowledges the financial support from Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT, Mexico) to pursue her PhD.ae974a485f413a2113503eed53cd6c53
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