Nine terminology extraction Tools: Are they useful for translators?
Terminology extraction tools (TETs) have become an indispensable resource in education, research and business. Today, users can find a great variety of terminology extraction tools of all kinds, and they all offer different features. Apart from many other areas, these tools are especially helpful in the professional translation setting. We do not know, however, if the existing tools have all the necessary features for this kind of work. In search for the answer, we looked at nine selected tools available on the market to find out if they provide the translators’ most favorite features.Citation
Hernani, C., Zaretskaya, A., Corpas Pastor, G. and Seghiri, M. (2016) Nine Terminology Extraction Tools: Are they useful for translators? Multilingual, 27(3), April/May, pp. 14‐20.Publisher
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This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by MultiLingual in MultiLingual on 01/04/2016, available online: The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.ISSN
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