Disease-modifying effects of type 2 diabetes mellitus and bipolar disorder comorbidity
Aim: The aim of this review was to better understand the risks and care issues associated with poorly managed type 2 diabetes mellitus, in relation to poor prognosis of bipolar disorder. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted using combined terms “Type 2 diabetes” OR “Insulin Resistance” AND “Bipolar Disorder” AND “Outcome” AND “Course of illness” in a variety of databases. The publications were all filtered following pre-defined criteria. Results: Nine primary articles were selected. The analysis showed that in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, there was association of higher uncontrolled bipolar symptoms period corresponding with the severity of the bipolar disorder. Individuals with bipolar disorder and diabetes mellitus experienced neurodegenerative disorders with more depressive symptoms. Additionally, higher rate of non-compliance was identified with the use of bipolar disorder medications. Conclusions: Overall results indicated an overlapping clinical pathophysiology relationship between both diabetes mellitus and neuropsychiatric disorders. There is a need for collaborative care among psychiatric and general medical providers.Citation
Volume 4; Issue 4 (A) April 2018; Page No. 3253-3261Journal
International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical ResearchAdditional Links
Journal articleLanguage
Scopus Count
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