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dc.contributor.authorJankauskas, Benediktas
dc.contributor.authorJankauskienė, Genovaitė
dc.contributor.authorFullen, Michael A.
dc.identifier.citationEkonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos, 2 (11): 177–186
dc.descriptionThe full text article appears with the kind permission of the journal editor, Dr Jonas Jasaitis, Siauliai University, Lithuania.
dc.description.abstractSoil de­gra­da­tion by soil erosion is evident on the hilly- undula­ting landsca­pe, when com­mon land use systems, containing tilla­ge crops, are practised by land ow­ners. Results of long-term field investigations enab­le the proposal of specific erosion‑resistant land ma­na­ge­ment systems, which enable us to loca­lize and sta­bilize erosion processes on are­as most vulne­rable to soil erosion. It is fe­a­sible to im­ple­ment soil-protecting land use systems (i.e. erosion- re­sistant crop rota­tions and long-term pe­rennial grasses) de­signed for fields of vary­ing size, slope gradient and soil texture. The­se agro- environmental aims can be integrated with rural tourism, thus enabling re­ha­bilita­tion of de­gra­ded land and im­proving the socio- economic situation of rural villages. Matching specific soil tilla­ge ope­ra­tions with intensity of fertiliza­tion permits further re­tarda­tion of soil erosion intensity. The proposed vision of the modern Lithua­nian villa­ge is thus to re­com­mend new activities for local land owners and to promote sustainable and environmentally- friendly economic de­ve­lopment
dc.publisherSiauliai University, Lithuania
dc.subjectLand use
dc.subjectSoil conservation
dc.subjectEutric Al­be­lu­visols
dc.subjectUndulating landscape
dc.subjectSoil erosion
dc.subjectEconomic development
dc.titleInter-relationships between soil-protecting land use systems, recreation and tourism on agricultural landscapes in Lithuania
dc.typeJournal article
dc.identifier.journalEkonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos (Economics and Management: Current Issues and Perspectives)
html.description.abstractSoil de­gra­da­tion by soil erosion is evident on the hilly- undula­ting landsca­pe, when com­mon land use systems, containing tilla­ge crops, are practised by land ow­ners. Results of long-term field investigations enab­le the proposal of specific erosion‑resistant land ma­na­ge­ment systems, which enable us to loca­lize and sta­bilize erosion processes on are­as most vulne­rable to soil erosion. It is fe­a­sible to im­ple­ment soil-protecting land use systems (i.e. erosion- re­sistant crop rota­tions and long-term pe­rennial grasses) de­signed for fields of vary­ing size, slope gradient and soil texture. The­se agro- environmental aims can be integrated with rural tourism, thus enabling re­ha­bilita­tion of de­gra­ded land and im­proving the socio- economic situation of rural villages. Matching specific soil tilla­ge ope­ra­tions with intensity of fertiliza­tion permits further re­tarda­tion of soil erosion intensity. The proposed vision of the modern Lithua­nian villa­ge is thus to re­com­mend new activities for local land owners and to promote sustainable and environmentally- friendly economic de­ve­lopment

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