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dc.contributor.authorNiedderer, Kristina
dc.identifier.citationIn: Jönsson, L., Craft in Dialogue: six views on a practice in change, pp. 45-56
dc.description.abstractNiedderer’s chapter builds on her previous research, which was concerned with transforming the current understanding of function in design from a factor of constraint into a factor that can enable creativity, and applies it to contemporary craft practice. Niedderer argues that the crafts are particularly suited to explore the proposed new understanding of function. It benefits from doing so because this new idea of function transcends the visual, allowing for meaning to accrue through haptic and somatic (physical) experience of the object resulting in a concept of ‘expressive function’ which is itself arrived at through convivial human interaction rather than through solitary analysis.
dc.publisherGothenburg, Sweden: IASPIS/Craft in Dialogue
dc.subjectDesign theory
dc.subjectExpressive function
dc.titleExploring the Expressive Potential of Function
dc.title.alternativeCraft in Dialogue: six views on a practice in change
dc.typeChapter in book
html.description.abstractNiedderer’s chapter builds on her previous research, which was concerned with transforming the current understanding of function in design from a factor of constraint into a factor that can enable creativity, and applies it to contemporary craft practice. Niedderer argues that the crafts are particularly suited to explore the proposed new understanding of function. It benefits from doing so because this new idea of function transcends the visual, allowing for meaning to accrue through haptic and somatic (physical) experience of the object resulting in a concept of ‘expressive function’ which is itself arrived at through convivial human interaction rather than through solitary analysis.

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