Faculty of Social Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 715
National and European identity© 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This article is one in a number of attempts by students of nations and nationalism to understand national and European identity. Its point of departure are the arguments of Guibernau (2011) that the EU has created only a non-emotional identity based on the pursuit of prosperity; and, conversely, the claim of Wellings and Power (2015) that the EU has now its own nationalism with an emotional dimension. My initial observation is that an explicit evocation of European nationalism only surfaced in the immediate post war period within the remnants of fascist parties. So the issue is the attempt by the actors within the EU to create a European identity as an accompaniment to federal integration. This was not an initial quest but something that arose within attempts to breathe life into the EU in the 1970s. The endeavour was controversial from the outset and had effectively been curtailed by the mid 1990s as the intergovernmental character of the organisation imposed a primary commitment to preserving national diversity. Subsequent economic and monetary union has relied on the rationale of efficient governance. However, the evidence suggests that identification with Europe and the EU is surprisingly high. To understand it, I finally consider the gestation of Europeanism.
Complementarity, rivalry and substitution in the governance of forests: Learning from independent forest monitoring system in CameroonThe consequence of state controlled forestry in Cameroon has been the overexploitation of forest resources often in conflict with local forest dependent communities and state conservation objectives. The failure of state controlled forestry to achieve sustainable forest management has led to the emergence of new network like arrangements amongst which is independent forest monitoring (IFM) by civil society. The aim of this paper is to scrutinize the factors which affect the effectiveness of IFM governance network in Cameroon. Our research focused on a case study of Cameroon, employing a governance network perspective. The main findings are that national civil society in Cameroon is playing a significant role in improving transparency in the forest sector and holding decision makers to account. The paper finds a shift from technical areas of forest monitoring to the monitoring of social obligations and the respect of community rights by private companies. An analysis of actors highlights a strong network of national NGOs with self-defined goals and strategies engaged in very fluid relationships with law enforcement agencies beyond traditional ministries of forests and wildlife characterised by a spectrum ranging from complementarity, substitution and rivalry. The lack of sustainable funding and weak capabilities of national NGOs to navigate these fluid relationships emerges as core constraints for network effectiveness. Accordingly, recommendations for effectiveness entail strategies for sustainable funding, capacity strengthening and network coordination to address current weaknesses but also to build trust and credibility of the governance network.
Local and territorial determinants in the realization of public-private-partnerships: an empirical analysis for Italian provincesRelational networks and intangible factors are crucial elements for the competitiveness of a territory. Public–Private–Partnerships (PPPs), in particular, allow for the provision of goods and services that favour the exploitation of complementarities between public and private resources. They aim at promoting an increase in the overall efficiency of investment projects through a complex mechanism that distributes risk and revenues among stakeholders. This paper examines the local and territorial determinants of PPPs through an econometric analysis based upon Italian municipal data, grouped at the provincial level. Using a tobit model, we analyse the relationship between the realization of successful PPP initiatives and different sets of factors, including less analysed local and territorial determinants. We stress the role of the local management of infrastructure assets, the administrative efficiency of local authorities and the diffusion of previous local development initiatives. Local management and territorial context factors explain most of the occurrence of successful PPP initiatives in the pre-crisis period while usual determinants (infrastructure endowment and financial distress) display a weaker effect.
"Open the other eye": Payment, civic duty and hospital contributory schemes in Bristol, c.1927-1948On the appointed day of 5 July 1948, the National Health Service (NHS) came into existence in Britain. What existed before had been a complex and constantly evolving mixed economy of healthcare, within which hospital services were provided by a combination of public and voluntary sectors. The public sector accounted for the majority of hospital beds and dominated treatment of the chronic and aged sick. However, it is the voluntary hospitals that have often been seen as at the heart of this system because of their historic foundations—many having been established as charitable institutions in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries—as well as their perceived clinical superiority. In fact, the move towards a national health service, which ultimately nationalized the hospitals, gave great credence to an approach Daniel Fox has described as “hierarchical regionalism”. This placed such institutions as leading specialist and teaching centres at the top of a hierarchy of regional service providers, and in doing so reinforced this view of the primacy of the voluntary hospitals
Did Wigan have a northern soul?The town of Wigan in Lancashire, England, will forever be associated with the Northern Soul scene because of the existence of the Casino Club, which operated in the town between 1973 and 1981. By contrast, Liverpool just 22 miles west, with the ‘the most intensely aware soul music Black Community in the country’, (Cohen, 2007, p.31 quoting from Melody Maker, 24 July 1976) remained immune to the attractions of Northern Soul and its associated scene, music, subculture and mythology. Similarly, the city of Manchester has been more broadly associated with punk and post-punk. Wigan was and remains indelibly connected to the Northern Soul scene with the Casino representing a symbolic location for reading the geographical, class and occupational basis of the scene’s practitioners. The club is etched into the history, iconography, and mythology of Northern Soul appearing in the academic and more general literature, television documentaries, memoirs, autobiographies and feature films. This chapter seeks to explore the relationship between history, place, class, industrialisation, mythology and nostalgia in terms of Wigan, the Casino Club and the Northern Soul scene. It asks the question: did Wigan have a northern soul? This is explored through the industrial and working-class history of the town and the place of soul music in its post-war popular culture. More broadly, it complements the historical literature on regional identity identifying how Northern Soul both complemented and challenged orthodox readings of Wigan as a town built on coal and cotton that by the 1970s was entering a process of deindustrialisation.
Dust, diesel, and disability in the British coal industry: a view from the coal face, 1985-1992In September 1992, I worked my last shift as an underground coal miner at Point of Ayr Colliery in the small North Wales coalfield. Yet I never really left the industry. As a researcher and academic my work has been underpinned by my own background as a coal miner and continued engagement with the collective memory of coal. The article reflects on this process using memory, autobiography, archival research and ethnography. Drawing on personal experiences of working in the coal industry between the years 1985-1992, it examines the shifting attitudes to health, safety and disability in one colliery, and how such responses were mediated by masculinity, humour, and the shifting industrial relations culture of the British coal industry. In 1989, the Labour Research Department published a pamphlet, The Hazards of Coal Mining, which became a crucial source for trade union officials in stressing the continued problems of miners’ health and safety. Yet the reception of the publication proved problematic in the context of colliery closures, new forms of coal extraction and payment, and an emphasis on increased production. This examination of miners’ attitudes to health and injury was complemented by ethnographic work in one Welsh mining community. The legacy of coal in this locality is still apparent with miners conveying both the physical and mental scars of exposure to dust, diesel and noise, yet working to create their own histories and representations of a mining past.
The determinants of trust in the boardroomUsing a behavioural perspective, this chapter presents further knowledge on the conditions in the boardroom that facilitate or hinder the presence of trust. Building on previous studies, a model explaining the hypothesised relationships between trust and its determinants (cognitive conflict, communication efficacy, the perception of board members’ competence, affective conflict, and familiarity), with the moderating effects of board meeting frequency and board tenure, was developed. Based on a survey of UK companies, it was found that the perception of board members’ competence and familiarity are positively related to trust, whereas affective conflict is negatively related to trust. The implication of this finding for board practice is that boards of directors should engage in activities such as training and development that increase directors’ perception of each other’s competencies and why affective conflict should be managed in the boardroom.
Youth and permissive social change in British music papers, 1967–1983Paul Rambali, a music journalist during the 1970s and 1980s, explained that popular music had ‘suggested a range of possibilities in life that nobody ever told me at school nor my parents.’1 For young people like Rambali, in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s popular music was the most significant cultural form that entertained, informed and influenced them. The music press was where, every week, they found out what was going on and why it mattered. Any young person with a small amount of disposable income could walk to almost any newsagents in Britain and find a copy of a weekly music paper – one of the so-called inkies due to their cheap printing methods which left ink on the readers’ fingers. Even if someone did not have the money to buy a copy, it seemed that music press readers were a generous sort and would share: the National Readership Survey recorded that over nine people read each copy which translated into a potential readership, combining those who read the Melody Maker, New Musical Express (NME) and Sounds, of around 3,000,000 people per week.2 These papers, made in metropolitan London – the hub of the music industry and the press, offered a window into popular music, the people who made it and other fans. Copies piled up in bedrooms, living rooms, university and sixth form common rooms telling not only a story of the happenings in music, but that of social change and the way we as a society understood youth.
‘Oh you pretty thing!’: How David Bowie ‘unlocked everybody’s inner queen’ in spite of the music pressThe 1967 Sexual Offence Act decriminalised homosexual acts between men allowing gay men to discuss their sexuality in public. Few prominent popular musicians came-out until 1972 when David Bowie claimed that he was bisexual in an interview with Melody Maker. Music papers and Bowie had substantial cultural power: Bowie was a rising star and music papers recruited journalists who discussed and perpetuated social change. The subsequent conversation, however, reinforced negative stereotypes in constructing the queer subject and tried to safeguard commercial concerns due to the assumption that the market for popular music avoided queer music. This undermined arguments that associate permissive legislation with a permissive media and society, but, to some, representation alone empowered people and destabilised preconceptions about queer identity.
‘Exploiting the Daydreams of Teenagers’: Press reports and memories of cinema-going by young people in 1960s BritainDuring the 1960s, young people were subject to intense scrutiny. Their lives differed from previous generations and as a consequence, they were portrayed as being at the forefront of social change and representative of Britain’s national health. By comparing oral history interviews of those who were young and visited the cinema with media reports, this article evaluates the conversation around ‘teenagers.’ Newspapers’ reports of youth arguably reflected their selection principles and journalistic practices. Oral history narratives, however, complicate press discourse by bringing to the fore a diversity of experiences and understandings: some felt the ‘cultural revolution,’ while others felt bored. This demonstrates how studies of reception materials are incomplete and could benefit from being combined with ethnohistorical approaches.
Stream 1. Gouvernance forestière et aménagement du territoireNotre stream porte sur les questions toujours d’actualité de la gouvernance forestière et de l’aménagement du territoire. Plus que jamais, ces deux thématiques sont des thématiques clés pour les perspectives d’avenir des forêts du Bassin du Congo. Cependant, la nature vaste des questions de comment aménager l’espace forestier et comment le pouvoir s’exerce dans ces zones nous exigent de prioriser, au sein du stream, nos discussions et interventions. Il y a ainsi les priorités qui ont émergé. Nos discussions et actions tout au long de l’année passée, et nos priorités pour l’avenir, sont organisé en trois axes : l’aménagement intégré du territoire, les marchés du bois et la légalité, et la foresterie participative.
Freak scene: cinema-going memories and the British counterculture of the 1960s© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Using oral history interviews and questionnaires gathered as part of the ‘Cultural Memory and British Cinema-going of the 1960s’ project, this article recovers and analyses the reminiscences of people who were interested or involved in the British counterculture. By drawing on a broader range of experiences than typically represented in canonical accounts of the counterculture and those that have informed prior historical scholarship, it adds a wider range of experiences, understandings and behaviours when considering how people remember their discovery of the counterculture and its bearing on their social lives, understanding of film, popular culture, politics and society. The article demonstrates how film and, more generally, popular culture held significance in presenting ideas about counterculture as well as how cinemas and film clubs provided spaces for people to socialise and develop subcultural networks. It also suggests how significant class, locality, educational experiences and gender were in shaping how people did or did not enter countercultural scenes, how they understood themselves, their cinema-going experiences and the films that they watched.
Economic shifts: reconciling observations and rhetoric within the U.S. economyFor the American people, déjà vu arrived in December 2007, and for the former President of the United States, Barack Obama, it was when he was inaugurated on 20 January 2009, inheriting the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1929. At the start of the 2007, financial crisis the United States (U.S.) was experiencing a boom in consumer spending. This came to an abrupt halt when the U.S. housing market collapsed resulting in an $8 trillion dollar housing debt and a steep decline in equity prices. Fallout from the housing crisis quickly spread to the broader economy through a complex web of unclear financial instruments tied to housing and dubious business practices of some financial firms. The resulting loss of wealth led to cutbacks in U.S. credit backed consumer spending. According to the U.S. Department of Labour1, roughly, 8.7 million jobs were shed from February 2008 to February 2010, and GDP contracted by 5 percent, making this the Great Recession the worst since the Great Depression.
Deaf and hard of hearing women Menopause survey - Birmingham and Solihull resultsIn November 2018 two workshops were conducted by Sarah Bown from the University of Wolverhampton in partnership with BID Services, focussing on the menopause as experienced by Deaf and hard of hearing women. The feedback from participants indicated a greater need for accessible information and support.
Autopoiesis: scaffolding the reflective practitioner toward employabilitySign language interpreters confront a diversity of complex situations in their everyday work. To be able to consider and appropriately respond to such situations, interpreters need robust cognitive reflective frameworks to support them. Since 1993, the University of Wolverhampton’s BA (honors) Interpreting British Sign Language/English course has delivered undergraduate training to aspiring sign language interpreters. The end product has been high levels of “appropriate” graduate employability success, in part due to the strong correlation between what employers regard as essential and desirable in an employee, and the attributes demonstrated by the reflective practitioners created by the program. In this article, the author looks at a range of perspectives in relation to reflective learning, discusses its application in interpreter training, and argues that reflection is one of the essential skills required for effective practice. In order to achieve this skill, however, interpreter educators must establish robust scaffolding frameworks during training. The author provides examples of methods used to build these cognitive frameworks during placement learning modules. It is in part the building of interpreting students’ cognitive reflective framework during training that will provide them with the necessary key tools for professional practice and lifelong learning.
The Moderating Role of IIAs in FDI: Implication for Sustainable DevelopmentDespite a long belief in positive impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on host countries and in a positive role of international investment agreements (IIAs) in attracting FDI, empirical studies in neither of the areas have confirmed results. As Sustainable Development has become an important agenda for many developing and less developed countries, where FDI is considered as an important resource for their development. A clearer picture of the relationship between FDI, IIAs and sustainable development will have significant implications in both academic and policy terms. Thus, this study explores conceptual frameworks to re-shape these relationships.
Access to health and social care services for deaf and hard of hearing people in WolverhamptonIn 2012 Johannes Fellinger and colleagues highlighted a growing concern for signs of health inequality amongst D/deaf individuals, in the area of both general and mental health, within their respective community/country. The claim was even made that deafness itself can endanger your health (Alexander, Ladd and Powell, 2012). It was also established that the level of poor communication between D/deaf patients and health professionals, exacerbated the barriers to health care, which D/deaf people experienced. Barnet et.al. examining health inequality experienced by D/deaf people argued that “... It appears that addressing language barriers improves adherence with some preventive services and may help prevent chronic diseases or improve patient’s long-term outcomes through earlier detection” (Barnett, et al, 2011:2). This is supported by Alexander, Ladd and Powell, who advocate that “good communication is the key” (2012:980), given that it is “the bedrock of diagnosis and treatment” (The Lancet, 2012:977) and has the potential to avoid offering a lower standard of service (Sign Health 2014).
Pre-packs- patronus or dementor?As fans of Harry Potter will be aware, a Dementor is a dark creature which glories in decay, draining happiness and hope from people and creating an atmosphere of misery and disturbance. A Patronus, on the other hand, is a positive force of hope and happiness providing the desire to survive. The purpose of this note is to consider whether the magic of a pre-packaged administration is more Patronus than Dementor. It is widely, but not universally, accepted that pre-packs often produce the best result for a company in financial distress. They often permit an ailing business to be sold, at a higher price than in liquidation, which safeguards the future of that business as a trading entity with minimal disruption and jobs saved.